Around this time every year, I want to make a trek to Key West. Hummmm… I guess I always want to make a trek to Key West any time of year. But as Halloween approaches, I fantasize about going even more. You see… Key West has a Halloween event like only Key West can have.
Some of you may think I’m a “dirty old man.” Well… I will only admit, I’m just a guy.
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Ok… I warned you.
Key West calls its Halloween event “Fantasy Fest.” That sounds innocent enough, huh? Halloween is a time for adults, and I suppose kids too, to dress up in costumes and parade down Duval Street. Now about those costumes…
I tried to figure out a way to “politely” tell about the “costumes.” I grappled finding just the correct phrase or words… something that would give you the “flavor” of the place without offending anyone. Not that Kokomo Man is intended to be family-oriented… it isn’t. But I don’t want to offend people who are more… ummmm… conservative than me. (I even hesitated to use the word “conservative” because that has political connotations these days. Here, I’m not being political.)
After writing and deleting several paragraphs, I decided to fall back on my initial promise to readers; tell the good, the bad, and the ugly. This time it isn’t good, bad, or ugly. Hummm… beauty is in the eye of the beholder, right? Maybe a little ugly, but I’ll let you decide.
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Ok… I warned you… twice.
Fantasy Fest is full-on boobies on display. Borrowing the words of the writer, Denny Hartwell: The Key West Fantasy Fest is the world’s largest “Tits-n-Tease.”

Before I go on, some will accuse me of only telling about the boobies. They will say Fantasy Fest is more than that… it’s about fun and costumes. The next pic shows that indeed, there will be lots of fun and costuimes.

But don’t Google “fantasy fest” and check out all the pics. Because if you do, you find out Fantasy Fest is about fun, costumes…. and boobies.
Exhibitionists from all over the world come to show off their boobies. It doesn’t matter what kind of boobies they have; big boobies, little boobies… saggy boobies, or perky boobies. They are all out there on display…. often quite clever displays but on display just the same.
Not everyone showing off what they have are exhibitionists except during Fantesy Fest. For the rest of the year I suspect they are regular people… accountants, brain surgeons, carpenters, and the woman working at the grocery check-out stand. They come to Key West once a year to “let their hair down” and to let it all hang out.
Ummmm… letting it “all hang out” is not exactly legal. I don’t know where the line is drawn but here are a few rules from the “official” Fantasy Fest Code of Conduct:
- Nudity is ILLEGAL and is NOT allowed on public property or in public view at any time.
- Lewd acts on public property or in public view are strictly ILLEGAL and NOT tolerated.
- Body painting is allowed but must be done in enclosed or screened in areas, entirely out of public view. Painted female breasts are permitted, but ONLY ALLOWED within the designated “Fantasy Zone”.
- Please wear a cover-up to avoid ILLEGAL exposure on public property and on all city streets outside of the “Fantasy Zone”.
Does this still sound innocent? It isn’t… don’t bring the kids. This is adults only.
This is the 40th year of Fantasy Fest. It’s ten days of frolicking and debauchery. It starts on Oct 18 and ends on Oct 27. The theme this year is…
“In Tune But Off Key: Celebrating 40 Years of Fantasy.

This pic from the Fantasy Fest website is just a hint. I was hesitant about which pics to post from here on. But as promised, here’s the good, the bad, and the ugly.
Oops… too late. From here on out, pics or links to pics will best show you the rest. Click on the next four links at your own risk. Ummmm… you be the judge which are the bad, and the ugly.. if any. (The next 4 links open in a new tab.)
I don’t want you to think Fantasy Fest doesn’t have redeeming qualities. On Tuesday, Oct 22, they are holding my favorite; the Rock The Tatas Contest. No… it’s not what you think. Well, it IS mostly what you think, but it’s also a fund-raising event with a portion of the proceeds going to, “Making Strides Against Breast Cancer.” As there should be, several other events are “save the tatas” type fund-raising activities.
If you’ve read this far, then it’s pics from here on out.
If I could go this year, the event I would be sure to attend is the Sloppy Joes Toga Party on Oct 24. Sloppy Joes is not my favorite place on Bone Island, but then you know me… and toga parties.

The other thing I would likely do is find a spot on the outside balcony of the Bull & Whistle. (The second floor is the Whistle.) I would get a frozen concoction to help me hang on and watch all the boobies go by. Hey… I told you, “I’m just a guy.”

The Whistle has a great view of the boobies and other foolishness going by. I should mention the top floor of the Bull & Whistle is called the Garden of Eden. If you’ve never been there, you should go. If you can’t already tell by the name, you’ll figure out what the place is about… quickly. As for me… I’ve never been beyond the great view of Duval Street from the balcony. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

God Bless America. Sorry… I couldn’t help myself. I’m just a guy.
Guys get in on the act at Fantasy Fest too.Since I am just a guy, I’m only posting the pic below of guys showing off on Duval. Once again… you be the judge of if it is the good… the bad… or the ugly.

I just couldn’t close with that image of the “cheese cakes” above seared into your head. So here’s one more of the magnificent paintings seen during Fantasy Fest.

Alas… I can’t go to Fantasy Fest this year. Too much else going on. Besides, I’m saving up for the Next Great Adventure.
So I’ll just sit here and fantasize about the artwork and beautiful paintings.
… and of the toga parties to come.
Now… about that “dirty old man” thing; I’m not old. It’s me and Peter Pan.