
I finally got around to writing my “about” for this blog. Part of the reason I procrastinated so long… besides the fact that I’m just a procrastinator… is that I just didn’t know what to put in here. I don’t have any problem writing about my travels, adventures, or opinion… but writing about myself… that’s a different matter. But here goes…

I always wanted to write but was making too much money to quit my “day job” and take a chance on becoming a writer. I spent the first half of my life getting my education… going to college part time and ending up with a Masters Degree in engineering. Now it was paying off. I couldn’t bring my self to quit working as an engineer and leave the good pay behind.

Well… circumstances caught up with me. Jimmy Buffett came into my life one morning while I should have been getting ready to go to work. That was the spark that started a change. Another of the things that came along was the book, “Searching for Kokomo-Diary of a Madd Cruiser.” (You can find the book by clicking here) Not long after that, I had a life-changing event… actually a couple of them. The short of it is that I spent most of my adult life on the work “merry-go-round” trying to catch the brass ring.  I discovered that life is way too short.

I wanted off the “merry-round.”   It took a bit of time to get my affairs in order… perhaps they really aren’t in order yet… but finally I quit my day job to start writing full time. Kokomo Man was born. I started on my travels and adventures. Kokomo Man was a screen name I used to write about those travels and adventures. Now… it has expanded to include this blog.

I am still cruising and going on as many adventures as I can. Some adventures are research for my writing and some of them just because I want to. I’ll be taking you along on most of the trips. Some will interest you and others won’t. Just the same, I hope I can put a smile on your face and share my adventures with you. Stay tuned.

Kokomo Man

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