Magical Mystery Tour – Recovery Begins

I’m back from the “Magical Mystery Tour.” I’ll post a full description in a bit. For now, this post is just a quick note to say I’m alive and well… but I need a day or two to recover before doing the full write-up. It was that much fun. You know you had tons of fun when you have to go back to work to rest up.

Most of you who know me have figured out by now I was on a cruise. At least I left you with a couple of hints. This time it was with incredible piano man Ben Gentry. I booked this cruise specifically because Ben was the PB entertainer. Even though the cruise was on the Dream, I chose the word “Magical” because when Ben is in the piano bar, it’s always magical.

And, “mystery” because who shows up is always a “mystery.” This cruise, we had Continue reading

Fantasy Fest

Around this time every year, I want to make a trek to Key West. Hummmm… I guess I always want to make a trek to Key West any time of year. But as Halloween approaches, I fantasize about going even more. You see… Key West has a Halloween event like only Key West can have.

Some of you may think I’m a “dirty old man.” Well… I will only admit, I’m just a guy.

CLICK HERE TO STOP READING and Escape From Kokomo Island

Ok… I warned you. Continue reading

The Next Great Adventure

I’m excited to tell you about my next great adventure!!! I’m going to Laos. And it’s not just any ordinary tourist trip to Laos. I’ll get to the why in a minute, but I suspect one or two of you may not know where Laos is. Take a look at the map.

(If you click on the map or other stuff on this page, it will open in a new tab.)

Laos is smack-dab in the middle of Southeast Asia. It is known as the “Land of a Million Elephants.” It’s also known for the sheer-walled rock karsts, jutting up thousands of feet from the earth’s floor. It’s a land of magnificent beauty; rivers and waterfalls, lush green jungles, and mountain ranges. The people are gentle and welcoming.

But that’s not the only reason I’m going. Continue reading